Some of the answers posted in the 2007 summer issue of the MOSAIC were incorrect. Please scroll down to view the correct answers.
[1] Where did the birthplace of Free Methodism take place?
[a] Azusa Street, Los Angeles in 1906
[b] Pekin, New York in 1860
[c] Oxford University, England in 1729
[d] Elmira, New York in 1890
[2] Who is William Willberforce?
[a] An English political figure to whom John Wesley wrote a letter on slavery just before his death
[b] A powerful Anglican who forbade John from preaching inside churches
[c] The man whom John Wesley chose as his successor
[d] The affectionate name that John gave his horse
[3] What are the Core Values of The Free Methodist Church in Canada?
[a] Community, Communion, Compassion, Creativity
[b] Pray, Give, Connect, Serve, Lead
[c] Persons, Church, Team, Connection, Integrity, Learning, Growth
[d] Worshiping, Witnessing, Generous, Global-Minded
[4] When did The Free Methodist Church in Canada become self-governing?
[a] 1987 [b] 1876 [c] 1959 [d] 1990
[5] Which of the following is NOT one of the original “Free’s”
[a] Individual Freedom (opposing slavery)
[b] Freedom for women (opposing the tradition that women should not serve as ministers)
[c] Free seats (opposing the selling or renting of pews)
[d] Freedom from oaths of secrecy (opposing the division of loyalties toward their Christian commitments)
[6] Who is George Whitefield?
[a] A preacher who convinced John Wesley to preach in the fields
[b] A government official to whom John Wesley wrote a letter on slavery just before his death
[c] An English cartoonist who drew Methodists as full of “Credulity, Superstition, and Fanaticism”
[d] A Moravian who influenced Wesley concerning prevenient grace
If asked, could you state the purpose, vision and mission of The Free Methodist Church in Canada?
Scroll down for the answers . . . .
1. [b] Pekin, New York in 1860
2. [a] An English political figure to whom John Wesley wrote a letter on slavery just before his death
3. [c] Persons, Church, Team, Connection, Integrity, Learning, Growth
4. [a] 1987
5. [b] Freedom for women (opposing the tradition that women should not serve as ministers)
6. [a] A preacher who convinced John Wesley to preach in the fields