the free methodist church in canada
(fomerly Finance and Administrative Services)

Our Giving Together

We want to let you know about an important upcoming change to our Giving Together.  Starting in January 2025, Giving Steams will be merged into one unified CORE Ministry Fund. 

As many of our churches will be starting to work on Church Budgets, it is important to understand what this merger means.  We are asking that you play this video at your next Official Board Meeting which explains the rational and informs on how to include these ministries as part of your budget as well as how to process your giving remittances in 2025. 

Core+Giving Streams Merger (7 minutes) - click to download and play

We believe that generosity is a spiritual disciple – just like prayer.   So we are excited to introduce ‘Generous by Design’ for your church use.  This series of 1-minute videos covering five Biblical Generosity Principles. The first, “Love Comes First” is a 1-minute video you can play during a worship service. If you want to unpack this as a leader there is also a one-page PDF.  The other four principles will follow each quarter. 

Loves Comes First (1 minute) - download and play


We have also created a Bulletin Insert and Pew Card which you can personalize with your church name that is designed to help people grow their own generosity. If you need help personalizing the bulletin insert or card designed to hand out to your congregation, please contact Starla.

For use in Church Worship Service

Growing Our Generosity BULLETIN in WORD
Open this in WORD to add your church name and logo

Growing Our Generosity BULLETIN in PDF
Open this PDF in Canva to add your church name and logo

Growing Our Generosity Postcard PDF

Cultivating Generous People

As we roll out this new model, we invite you to join us in prayer and support as we move forward. Please make use of the resources we have assembled for you, your board and your congregation to participate in “Our Giving Together.” 

If you need additional information on unified CORE Ministry Fund, or need help integrating Generous Discipleship in your discipleship, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  I would love to help. 

Thank you for your faithful commitment to CORE Ministry Fund: Our Giving Together and Our Ministry Together. By aligning our resources and vision, we can maximize the impact of our collective generosity, making a difference both locally and globally.