the free methodist church in canada



Give to the Local Church – The Free Methodist Church in Canada encourages everyone to first, and foremost, generously give through their local church. Our denominational model of support is based on people supporting the local church, who in turn supports the ‘greater family’ of the Free Methodist Church in Canada through their CORE giving.  Click here to find a local Free Methodist congregation.

Volunteer – We believe that there is more to generous stewardship than simply giving money.  God asks us to holistically steward all that He has entrusted to us so that we can live generously with all that we are – including our time and abilities. Sharing your time and skills is part of how we can excel in generosity. Whether it is at your local church, with some of our new church plants and urban missions, or joining us on a missions trip, there are ways that you can be a part of changing the world for the Kingdom. Click here to find a local Free Methodist congregation to see where you can volunteer.

Recurring Gift – Recurring gifts provide much-needed funds we can rely on throughout the year. You can easily set up recurring giving either weekly, bi-weekly, twice per month, or monthly with one click.

Give in Memory/Honour of an Individual -A memorial gift or gift in honor is an appropriate way to remember a special person while at the same time helping others. After you have made your contribution in memory or in honor, an acknowledgement letter or email will be sent to the person(s) you designate. You will receive a tax receipt, along with any other annual donations made to FMCiC ministries.

Give Publicly Traded Securities – Gifts of publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds and mutual funds) are a simple and efficient way we can make a substantial gift to the church for its use now, while at the same time decreasing our out-of-pocket expense. Present tax laws stipulate that if we sell publicly traded securities privately, we are taxed on 50% of the capital gains. If we gift the securities directly to charity, however, we pay no tax on the capital gains while also receiving a donation tax receipt for the full market value of the securities. This means that the gifting of securities which have appreciated in value is a much more tax-efficient way to give to the church than selling the securities privately and then donating the cash. You can direct the proceeds of your gift to go to your local congregation or to any ministry you choose within The Free Methodist Church in Canada.  Please contact to request more information.

Give through Planned Giving – Including any of our churches or ministries in your Estate Gift Planning is a simple and powerful way to give. We pray that as you designate giving through our ministries, that God will work through your gift to make a difference in His Kingdom.

To ensure that your gift is honored and used in the way you intended, we advise that you discuss your wishes with both the lawyer preparing your will as well as the ministry that will be receiving your gift. We recommend that the following statement (or similar wording) be included in your will:

For the (area/name of ministry – or simply the ongoing ministry) at the (legal name of the local church or ministry), currently situated at (address of the local church or ministry). If, through the passage of time, this bequest becomes obsolete, permission is given to alter the terms adhering as closely as possible to my original wishes. Should the (legal name of local church/ministry) no longer exist, the funds should default to the Free Methodist Church in Canada, currently situated at 4315 Village Centre Court, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1S2 to be used for ongoing ministry.

For additional information, you can click here to download the FMCiC Will Planning Guide

Give through FMCiC Foundations – Our Foundations are organized for charitable , religious and educational purposes and specifically to support The Free Methodist Church in Canada in its ministries and for the support and benefit of the associated ministries and organizations of The Free Methodist Church in Canada. We have two foundations which are responsible for managing endowment assets:

  •  The Free Methodist Foundation which is responsible and accountable for the stewardly administration and investment of gifted funds to FMCIC. Click here for more information.
  • The Lorne Park Foundation exists to support The Free Methodist Church in Canada in the education and training of pastoral and lay leaders. Click here for more information.



Please Note: Spending is confined to Board of Administration Approved funds, programs, and projects. Each contribution will be used as designated by the donor with the understanding that when that particular fund, program, or project has been fully funded or cannot be completed for reasons determined by the Board of Administration, contributions so designated will be used where most needed.