Shalom Leadership – leading positive culture change in church

3:45 – 4:45
Room: Niagara

God’s church is so incredibly complex: it is a stable, resilient organization that contains within it the potential for massive impact and innovation. More often than not, however, when leaders attempt to bring positive changes to a church, these efforts meet resistance, bring conflict, and generate suspicion. How can church leaders help the local church adapt to the fast-changing Canadian cultural landscape while honouring the deep stable roots of the past? It’s time for us to acknowledge that a local church is more than a disciple-making factory – it is a complex adaptive system that requires a different mindset and toolset than most of us have been exposed to in most traditional approaches to leadership. Shalom Leadership attempts to combine the Servant Leadership principles that Jesus modelled with a wholistic understanding of how the Body of Christ functions in a local church context to release the natural power and genius of God’s Spirit within God’s people to adapt to their community and release their gifts. This seminar is an interactive introduction to a radically subversive way to lead.


Jay Mowchenko | Weyburn FMC

Jay Mowchenko, Lead Pastor of Weyburn Free Methodist Church, has spent the past ten years seeking new ways that a leader can interact with the complexity and unpredictability of a church in order to bring about positive change with a minimum of conflict and fallout. These past three years of working on his Doctor of Ministry degree at Tyndale have revolutionized his practice of leadership. Jay has been a Free Methodist Pastor since he graduated from Aldersgate College in 1993 and has served as a Youth Pastor, Assistant Pastor and Church Planter before moving to Weyburn in 2006. He and Marilou were married in 1993 and have two children, Keisha (19) and Joshua (17).