Milepost #2 Recommended Resources

This study guide written by Greg Ogden has been available in continuous use for more than 20 years. Designed to be used in groups of 3, there are 25 sessions that lay a foundation of the basics of Christian living. Easily usable by everyday Christians to make disciples.
Navigators 2:7 Series [Navigators of Canada]
The 2:7 Series is built around the intent of Colossian 2:7 – “rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” This course (3 books, 11 sessions each) is designed for believers who are ready to go deeper in their understanding of spiritual truths and open to developing the habits/disciplines of Scripture study, memorization, prayer, and a regular devotional life. Life priorities are examined, participants learn natural ways to share their faith story.
This study curriculum (7 sessions) is designed to introduce some of the basic disciplines and practices of the Christian life that Wesleyans refer to as “the means of grace.” These are disciplines (like prayer and Scripture study) and practices (like active listening and hospitality) that aid Christian growth that encompasses both loving God and loving one’s neighbour. This study should be viewed as supplementary to other disciple-making resources that aid in the development of habitual practices. FMCiC developed/tested