May 2022 Update

House of Prayer Equipping Cohort Has Been Launched!

We are delighted to say that our first HOP Cohort got together via Zoom May 9/22 to begin a journey of learning how they can help their local church develop into being a house of prayer. There are 14 churches represented in the cohort and there was positive feedback about our first one as we talked about “Why Pray?” and the need to feel helpless and hopeful to effectively pray. At our next one (June 6/22) we will be focusing on, “Developing a Church Prayer Strategy”.

Monthly National Prayer Meeting Wednesday, May 25, 2022

During this month, we are going to be focusing our prayers on the Leadership Development ministry of the FMCIC. Pastor Marc McAlister gives oversight to this ministry for us and will be joining us to share a bit about what we can give thanks for and what we can be praying for. Here is a list of some things we can be praying for:

1) That local churches would continue to raise up leaders for the church in general.

2) That God would continue to provide funding for scholarships and internships for developing leaders.

3) For MEGAP as they look at the tracking system to ensure that it is helping to develop the kind of leaders Canada will need now and in the future.

4) For MEGAP as they conduct credentialing interviews and as they walk with candidates through the tracking process towards either being a commissioned minister or an ordained minister.

5) For the NLT, Network Leaders and Leadership Team as they continue to look for ways to help pastors develop and to help pastors stay healthy in the process.

6) For the Women in Leadership Team as they begin their very important work of helping us ensure that Godly, competent women are stepping into God’s call and that as a movement we are doing all we can to help them.