the free methodist church in canada
Foundational Courses
Foundational courses are required for those who are tracking for credentialed ministry in The Free Methodist Church in Canada or those seeking to transfer their ordination credentials into The FMCIC.
In addition, three of these courses (Heart, Wesleyan Theology and Stewardship) are open to any lay person who commits to attending all three days and paying the tuition cost.
Ordained or Commissioned Ministers may take any of these courses and use them as Continuing Education Units (CEUs), either auditing the course (attend all 3 days) for 1 CEU or attending all 3 days plus completing the assignments for 3 CEUs.
The tuition for each course is only $200 regardless of whether the course is audited or taken for full credit, the tuition must be paid. In addition, each person is responsible for the costs of his/her textbooks and other materials, plus meals and travel expenses.
(Local FM churches host these foundational courses. The locations will be selected based on where the majority of the participants reside – so please register early!).
- June 6-8, 2025. Location TBA
Also available:
- Tyndale University – “John Wesley’s Theology: Renewing the Heart, Renewing the Church” with Rev Dr James Pedlar Offered Winter 2025 in hybrid format: Two Fridays of “live” class (in-person or online) on January 31 and March 21, plus online lectures and discussions.
- Available for seminary or undergraduate credit
- For more info contact James Pedlar
- FMC-USA NEW! Anytime on Pathwright (multiple instructor choices).
- Self-paced, up to 8 months to complete OR 16-week intensive version, select Instructor Vaugh
- Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan University
- 2025 start date TBA
(for Ministerial Candidates, Lay Ministers serving as Lead Pastors, Commissioned Ministers and Ordained Ministers only),
* The location for these courses will be selected based on where the majority of the participants reside – so please register early!
Note: Tuition payment is not required when registering for a course. Payment is due 10 days before the course begins.

Contact The
Ministerial Formation Office
905-848-2600 ext 405
Fax: 905-848-2603