If you are really sorry for your sins,
If you want to love other people,
If you are willing to do what God wants you to do,
Then you may take communion.
So (kneel/bow/pray) with me and tell God you want to be His obedient child.
Dear God, who made everything, we know that we have sometimes done wrong things, or said wrong things, or thought bad thoughts. We are really sorry. Would you please forgive us and help us to live as we should, following Jesus our Saviour.
Dear Father, you have promised to forgive all those who
are sorry for their sins. Please forgive us our sins and help
us to please you every day. Bring us one day to Heaven to be with Jesus.
Dear Jesus, you know my heart. You know everything about me. Please help me to want what you want and do what you want me to do. I love you and want to thank you for being my friend.
It is very good that we should thank you, O Lord,
for all you have done for us.
Since all creation and all the angels sing your praise,
we want to, too. And so we say together
Glory be to you
O Lord most high.
We do not come to this service, Lord Jesus, thinking we are good. We do not deserve your kindness. But we thank you that you love us so very much. So as we eat this bread and drink from this cup, we pray that we might become more like you and please you in every way.
Dear Father, you gave Jesus your son to die on the cross
for us. Because He died for us, all our sins can be
taken away. We come to this service to remember that He died even for us. We ask that by your Spirit you will give us strength to be the very best Christians that we can be.