CliffsNotes – October 30, 2018

The Reverend Doctor James Pedlar was formally installed as the “Donald N. and Kathleen G. Bastian Chair of Wesley Studies” at Tyndale University College and Seminary, last week. Besides his teaching duties at Tyndale as Associate Professor of Theology, Dr. Pedlar is also an associate pastor at Wesley Chapel FM in Toronto. The Wesley Chair is a joint investment project by five denominations: Wesleyans, Nazarenes, Salvation Army, Be In Christ and the Free Methodist Church in Canada. Dr. Pedlar gave an excellent word entitled “The Triumphants of His Grace”. Here is the link that is worth your time: Congratulations James, and thank you for your ministry.


What is Free Methodism?

Here are at least two more “character traits”: we value excellence in theology (I love the essential marriage of higher education and pastoral ministry in James’ life – pastors need to be theologians); and we value partnerships. The Wesley Chair at Tyndale is an example of partnership and scholarship. These are not only values but as a matter of fact, these are key to local churches and FMCIC being healthy in Canada in this new season. Truth and unity will help the Church be a powerful force in Canada. God is truth and He loves unity (Jesus prayed for it and us didn’t He? John 17).

Leaders, have a conversation about this: how are these two key for the Church in Canada? What are the challenges to truth and to unity? How well does your local church pursue these: truth (are you learning together?), unity (within your church family or other churches in your community)?

This past weekend was a full one.

Your Board of Administration met for two days. In the next month I will send out a year end “State of the Work” report and a “Three Year Ministry Plan”. I look forward to letting you know what your Study Commission on Doctrine, your Board of Administration and your National Leadership Team are working on. There was an excellent atmosphere in our BOA meeting: robust and honest conversation. Laughter was frequent and easy. We listened well to each other and more importantly to God. Prayer flowed in and out of our conversations quite naturally. All the stuff of a healthy board.

On Sunday morning I was with the Smith Falls church (in a snow storm!) and then in the afternoon I presided over David Moriarity’s ordination – the Reverend Moriarity is our pastor in Almonte, ON. The power went out right before we began – we went old school and it was a sacred time, as ordination services tend to be. Thank you to each pastor who made the special effort to support Dave.



Church Health Thursdays – The Flying V:
News & Stories Blog – Denominational Collaboration:
the conneXion
– a Free Methodist theology blog: 3 Minute Theology 2.5: Knowing the Bible Inside Out:
New Leaf Podcast: Jeff and Jan Steckley – Contemplative practice, second half of life & the art of starting:
Faith and Finances Website:


Rev. Keitha Ogbogu – appointed as Lead Pastor at West Springs Free Methodist Church, Calgary, AB, effective February 1, 2019.

Hampton Free Methodist Church, Saskatoon, SK has gone into transition.

Ordination and Commissioning Services Schedule
Pierre Zidor, Montreal, Quebec – ordination service on November 25, 2018 at 2:00 pm,  Eglise Methodiste Libre de Rosemont, Montreal, QC


Register online through the link above.

Lay Ministers tracking for credentialed ministry and those transferring ordination credentials into the FMCiC need to take the following two courses for full credit – and if possible, the Heart course first and then Wesleyan Theology.

Heart of Canadian Free Methodism:
November 2-4 at Trulls Road FMC, Courtice, ON
June 7-9, 2019 – location TBA*

Wesleyan Theology:
June 7-9, 2019 – location TBA*
(also available online through FMC-USA:

Ministerial Candidates tracking for Commissioned or Ordained Minister are required to take the following two courses for full credit.  Those who are already commissioned or ordained are required to either audit these two courses for 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) each or take the two courses and complete the assignments for 3 CEUs each.

Culture and the Missional Church:
Date and location TBA

Personal and Church Stewardship:
5-week online course (FRENCH) – start date – TBA

6-week online course (ENGLISH) – start date – TBA

(*locations are selected based on where the majority of the participants reside – so please register early!)



February 15 is the deadline to apply for the Leadership Scholarship Plan (LSP) for any courses taken during Winter semester of 2019.  See instructions and the 2019 application forms to download from the link above.

October 15 is the deadline to apply for the annual Special Scholarships for courses taken during 2019 – apply online from the link above



Ordained and Commissioned Ministers (except retirees) are to annually report Continuing Education Units (CEUs) acquired during each year.  Check the link above for information on CEUs, the report form and a list of examples of many different types of life-long learning that can be applied as CEUs.

Note:  For those who attended the fall Minister’s Conferences, add 6 hours of CEU credit when you send in your annual CEU report. 


Dryden FMC, Dryden, ON
Melfort FMC, Melfort, SK

Church Profiles available
Contact Susan DePlanché  in the  Leadership Development Office to request a church profile – [email protected] or 289-228-1225 (deadline to apply in brackets)

Caistor Centre FMC, Caistor Centre, ON (Nov 27/18)
Madoc Wesleyan/FMC, Madoc, ON (Nov 27/18)
Weyburn FMC, Weyburn, SK (Nov 27/18)


Preparing Profiles

(If you are interested in seeing the profile for any of these churches, please contact Susan in the Leadership Development Office [[email protected] or 289-228-1225] and the profile will be emailed to you as soon as it becomes available.)

Athens FMC, Athens, ON (Angel Valentin-Transition Pastor)
Hampton FMC, Saskatoon, SK
New Horizons Community Church – Sarnia, ON (Kim Henderson-Interim Pastor)
Richmond Hill Chinese & English Churches, Richmond Hill, ON (Abbs So and Shadow Lau-Interim Co-Pastors)
Smiths Falls FMC, Smiths Falls, ON

Youth Pastor – Malvern Methodist Church
Associate Pastor – Verona FM Church