CliffsNotes – March 19, 2019

There are five seasons at the FMCIC Ministry Centre
Summer, Fall, Winter, Regional-Gathering, and Spring! We are currently in the very busy RG season. In fact, this past weekend we enjoyed our very first one which was in La Belle Province. It was well attended, we had good discussions, we worshiped-prayed, and of course, we ate! Pastors and delegates are required to come to RG, but everyone in your church is welcome! It’s a wonderful opportunity to hear about FMCIC, to meet National Team Leaders and myself. This year we are introducing you to the FMCIC 3-Year Ministry Plan, we are inviting discussion about the plan, and General Conference recommendations – actually we are inviting discussion about almost anything you’d like to talk about (I wrote “almost” because I have met enough fun characters across the country to know that I am not prepared to discuss “anything” – like whether or not Adam had a belly button.) Members of the Board of Administration will be there to hear your feedback so that it can be a part of the final recommendations we will vote on at GC 2020.

On Sunday Karlene and I enjoyed very much our visit with Pastor Louis and his gifted wife Guerlie in their growing church in Repentigny. Following the service, there was an ordination service for Pastor Louis. I am reminded at each ordination that I attend and now lead, of the sacred service that pastors are called into. I remember their sacrifices (including time and finances), their commitment, and their love for God and people that drive them. Thank you, pastors and pastor families. But an ordination service is not a celebration of a pastor and her/his accomplishment. It is, first of all, a celebration of God, His plan to build His church into a supernatural force that establishes His Kingdom on earth. THANK YOU, FATHER, and thank you church for stepping into the fullness of His plan that is about accepting responsibility for your community.
Intercultural Engagement Team

I asked Adam Kline, the newly appointed Intercultural Engagement Team Leader about his first month in…

“Missions work is alive and well in our Free Methodist movement, but the truth is, the work is so broad and far-reaching that the only way to accurately describe it, is to talk about Intercultural Engagement.  It’s been a busy first month learning from, and connecting with, all our current ministry teams/committees and leaders.

“From our partnerships in Sri Lanka and Ghana to the work of ICCM and TearFund, it has been exciting to see all the ways God is changing lives and transforming communities far beyond our borders!

“And here at home, the work is just as impactful, from David and Jennifer Wright and their vision for Francophone ministry, to Aboriginal partnerships and ministries that many congregations have already formed, to the opportunity to mobilize teams for disaster relief and community clean-up (you’ll hear more soon about a service project in Ottawa through Arlington Woods), the potential to engage in ministry beyond the familiar is huge!

“And that’s what I look forward to sharing with all of you in the coming months, the opportunity for every Free Methodist Church in Canada to move beyond the familiar and grow through Intercultural Engagement, both near and far.”

Joining you in mission!
Adam Kline (