CliffsNotes – February 12, 2019

Nazarenes, Tattoos & Board Meetings

This past weekend Karlene and I worshiped with The Corner Church in Oshawa. This is a beautiful new story that the FMCiC could fully support and celebrate because of our freedom to collaborate (“Catholic spirit”). The local Nazarene church had a building and no pastor, and The FreeWay FM had the dynamic pastoral team of Dale and Dani Harris, but no building. Talks led to negotiations, which led to “The Corner Church”. They are sorting through membership, tithing, accountability to two denominations, histories, etc much like the way two individuals create a marriage!

I pray that more congregations across Canada have the courage to explore and step into these types of “marriages”. The least confusing thing that we can do as Kingdom leaders for “nones” and “dones” is to collaborate / partner. The FMCiC has not lost anything in this, we have only become stronger! Thank you Corner Church for your example – it’s inspiring! BTW they have to fill out TWO annual reports: one for the Nazarenes and one for FMCiC – you only have to do one… soon!!

I read a very good book about planning and executing inspiring, meaningful and productive meetings (Patrick Lencioni’s Death by Meeting). I would add the following to his good ideas about meetings: Scripture application, Prayer and healthy relationships.

Let me start with Healthy Relationships. In most board covenants that I have been a part of (does your board have a written covenant? Click here to view your BOA’s current covenant – these should be reviewed regularly as a board) there is a clause about making sure that all my relationships are “right” as far as I can control. A board member who is not talking with her husband, is not going to be a Godly contributor in a church planning meeting. Nor should the board member try to fake it! Church meetings should be marked by love (yes even ones where drums, or carpet colour are being debated!), which includes forgiveness and reconciliation!

Next is Prayer. Healthy board meetings don’t just include a perfunctory prayer to “open” and “close” the meeting. Healthy church boards pray throughout the meeting: at the start of a discussion and during. Healthy board members all make listening prayer a personal discipline, thus making it easier to do this as a team. Healthy boards pray deeply together. Ken Roth, our National Prayer Team Leader or myself would love to help your board pray…

Healthy boards apply Scripture – not as a proof text, or seasoning! Scripture directs our decisions, informs our thinking, challenges our motivations and heartbeat. Our prevailing culture is causing you as a church family to have important conversations, and create policy that can be quite controversial. For instance, who can be members? Who can usher at the door? Who can be in our nursery? Can all people, all ages, all genders or sexualities? “God is love, and He accepts everyone, so everyone can join, lead, help out around church,” have you heard that?

For sure God is love, and for sure His best thinking for us (the Bible) does not contradict His love, so what does the Bible have to say about each new “important conversation”? One of our pastors walked his church through an exercise applying Scripture to an important conversation. He did not proof text, but walked his leaders through a good Bible study. His important conversation was about tattoos, but the principles can be applied to other important issues that you are dealing with. What I especially like is that the Bible and good Bible study informed the discussion. Click here to read the leadership discussion on tattoos.



Attention:  Pastors and Delegates!

It’s that time of year—the Annual Report for 2018 for your church is due on February 20, 2019.  You will find the Annual Report on the home page of our website at

Annual Report in English
Annual Report in French:

This year we have included a guide (pdf) to help you understand and complete the Annual Report. We trust that we will be helpful to you in completing the form. Attached you will find a template (in pdf) to help you gather information from your treasurer (and others) and to note your Network Leader Evaluation numbers before you start to file the report online.

We do appreciate your filing online if possible, but you can fax or mail your report to the Ministry Centre as well – / 905-848-2603 Please note:

Network Leader Evaluation – each person who attends Network meetings should file. 

The Lead Pastor’s evaluation of the Network Leader will be included with the Annual Report; all others can file through this link: Network Leader Evaluation

Please keep in mind that we ask for the same statistics every year for the Annual Report, so a system should be in place to gather this information.  Every church and church plant must file a report.

FMCIC Annual Report Guide
Annual Report 2018
Annual Report 2018 – FR


2019 Regional Gathering Locations and Dates – PDF
Regional Gatherings are all about connecting! Our intention is to see Free Methodist leader and lay people meeting together as a movement for both an “informative” and “formative” gathering.  We hope to see you there!



Church Health Thursdays – A Healthy Word for the new Year:
News & Stories Blog – The Story of a Narrative Budget:
the conneXion – a Free Methodist theology blog: 3 Minute Theology 2.5: Knowing the Bible Inside Out:
New Leaf Network: Dave Overholt – Keeping Young Adults:
Faith and Finances Website:

The Corner Church in Oshawa

(Re)Imagine Mission is Tearfund Canada’s one-day conference on Integral Mission. Hosted in 4 cities on 4 different days, (Re)Imagine Mission gives pastors and ministry leaders from all across Canada the opportunity to reimagine the face of traditional missions -especially as it relates to our call to serve the poor. As many churches and pastors are already engaged in conversations about the future of local and international missions, (Re)Imagine Mission provides you with an opportunity to hear from knowledgeable speakers and participate in breakout sessions to share your ideas with others. Here is the link to the event:


Rev. Ian Isaak and Pastor Jody Pfeifer have been appointed as Co-Lead Pastors at Weyburn Free Methodist Church, Weyburn, SK, effective February 11, 2019.

Rev. Jennifer Wagar has been appointed as the Network Leader of the Central Ontario Larger Church Network (replacing Rev. Peter Goodyear), effective February 8, 2019.


Ordination and Commissioning Services Schedule

Louis Innocent – ordination service on March 17, 2019 at 2 pm, Eglise Methodiste Libre La Foi Des Elus, Repentigny, QC


Register online through the link above.

Lay Ministers tracking for credentialed ministry and those transferring ordination credentials into the FMCiC need to take the following two courses for full credit – and if possible, the Heart course first and then Wesleyan Theology.

Heart of Canadian Free Methodism:
*NEW* May 31-June 2, 2019 – Ontario-location TBA
* November 1-3, 2019 – western Canada-location TBA*

Wesleyan Theology:
*NEW* May 31-June 2, 2019 – western Canada-location TBA
* November 1-3, 2019 – Ontario-location TBA*
(also available online through FMC-USA:

Ministerial Candidates tracking for Commissioned or Ordained Minister are required to take the following two courses for full credit.  Those who are already commissioned or ordained are required to either audit these two courses for 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) each or take the two courses and complete the assignments for 3 CEUs each.

Culture and the Missional Church: Date and location TBA

Personal and Church Stewardship:
5-week online course (FRENCH) – start date – TBA
6-week online course (ENGLISH) – start date – TBA
(*locations are selected based on where the majority of the participants reside – so please register early!)  



February 15 is the deadline to apply for the Leadership Scholarship Plan (LSP) for any courses taken during Winter semester of 2019.  See instructions and  The 2019 application forms and instructions are now available to download from the link above.

October 15 is the deadline to apply for the annual Special Scholarships for courses taken during 2019 – apply online from the link above  


Ordained and Commissioned Ministers (except retirees) are to annually report Continuing Education Units (CEUs) acquired during each year.  Check the link above for information on CEUs, the report form and a list of examples of many different types of life-long learning that can be applied as CEUs.

Note:  For those who attended the fall Minister’s Conferences, add 6 hours of CEU credit when you send in your annual CEU report.


Caistor Centre FMC, Caistor Centre, ON
Madoc Wesleyan/FMC, Madoc, ON


Church Profiles available Contact Susan DePlanché  in the  Leadership Development Office to request a church profile – or 289-228-1225 (deadline to apply in brackets)


Preparing Profiles

(If you are interested in reviewing the profile for any of these churches, please contact Susan in the Leadership Development Office [ or 289-228-1225] and the profile will be emailed to you as soon as it becomes available.)

Athens FMC, Athens, ON (Angel Valentin-Transition Pastor)
Hampton FMC, Saskatoon, SK
New Horizons Community Church – Sarnia, ON (Kim Henderson-Interim Pastor)
Richmond Hill Chinese & English FM Churches, Richmond Hill, ON (Abbs So and Shadow Lau-Interim Co-Pastors)
Smiths Falls FMC, Smiths Falls, ON

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Youth Pastor – Malvern Methodist Church