So I finally did my church homework. I guess it’s more denomination homework. Well specifically, FMCiC Regional Gathering 2016 homework. If this year’s gatherings kind of snuck up on you too – in other words attending this weekend’s Regional Gathering in Brantford, ON – don’t panic! I’m about to give you the Coles Notes version and provide handy links to everything you need to be in-the-know!
Who should go to Regional Gathering?
All ministers, pastoral staff members, delegates, board members and any other prayerful, discerning people from your congregation are invited to attend. The more voices contributing to the conversation the better.
What is theme of this Regional Gathering?
Well, there are actually eight themes:
- What kinds of churches does Canada need?
- Clarity of the FMCiC’s identity
- The Denominational Ecosystem
- Discipleship
- Communication
- Connection
- Young leaders and the Development of competent godly leaders
- Bi-vocational pastors
A Lifeplan is a cyclic health conversation designed to lead congregations into responding and faithfully adapting to their changing context. We are currently engaged in a denominational LifePlan study in preparation for the 2017 General Conference. So prior to attending your Regional Gathering, we have been asked to prayerfully reflect for insight into these themes and any themes that may have been missed.
There will also be discussions about the kind of person that the FMCiC should look for as its next Bishop and an opportunity will be given to confidentially submit names.
When is my Regional Gathering?
Click this handy link:
Where is my Regional Gathering?
Click this handy link:
Why should I go to my Regional Gathering?
Much like the local church LifePlan process, there will be “Dream Sessions.” These sessions are facilitated discussions on the implications of the LifePlan themes – including an opportunity to suggest what has been missed.
These dream sessions need every voice from our denomination including the pastor, staff members, delegates, board members and lay people such as myself. The more the merrier so make sure other folks from your church know about the Regional Gathering. And if they need swaying let them know there is usually a delightful homemade lunch.
How should I get to Regional Gathering?
Get there by foot, car, bus, train or plane…actually if you take a plane you are most likely at the wrong Regional Gathering! Just get there. I’m excited to be part of this conversation. I like to dream big. Imagine if we all dream big together – big God-size dreams! See you there!