The Free Methodist Church in Canada

Skate Park Dreamer

Evan Fiorito, son of Pastor Chris Fiorito at O’Connor FMC in Kakabeka Falls, ON, is a grade nine student with a love for skateboarding and a dream to build a skate park in the Township of Conmee. Evan has been skateboarding for about three years.  He and his friends would try to skate around town

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Stations of the Cross

Twice as a church we have set-up Stations of the Cross in someone’s house and walked them together (not like a stranger’s house cause that would be awkward but in the home of someone in our community.)  I have found this to be a meaningful experience so when I heard through the grapevine that Pineridge

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It’s Tax Time Again

As I sat staring at the tax software sitting on my desk collecting dust, Sandy Crozier’s blog “It’s Tax Time Again” hit my inbox.  It was the push I needed to get started on my taxes and had some handy tips so I thought I would share.   It’s Tax Time Again by Sandy Crozier, Director

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Woman at the Well

Penny Flaro was one of nine children raised in a military family who moved frequently during her school years.  Growing up she had a deep longing to fit in somewhere or with someone and she would say or do whatever was needed to try and fit in.  She did not find the belonging she was

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