Reading List

7 Ingredients for Caring for the Sick

In his blog, 7 Ingredients for Caring for the Sick, Rick Warren urges us not to procrastinate or make excuses when caring for the sick, “The Christian approach to pain, suffering, and sickness is compassion, mercy, tenderness, and caring. Matthew records, When He saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were weary […]

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5 Healthy Church Attitudes

In my ongoing reading and research of church revitalization and church turn around, there are five ideas that I keep bumping into.    Be committed to regular, ongoing prayer.  First off, church revitalization or health is God’s work.  It is a spiritual exercise more than it’s a programmatic series of steps.  We need to pray

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Why Hospitality Beats Entertaining

“On November 6, 2010, I tweeted the most regrettable tweet of my mediocre social media career. In anticipation of the holiday season, I decided to weigh in on hospitality. The tweet was a flawless blend of selective memory and self-righteousness, designed to heap condemnation on the heads of my followers under the guise of offering

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5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Congregation Is Insider-Focused

“Churches that stop growing almost always have lost their heart for outsiders. Even if many say they’re still passionate about reaching new people, their actions deny their intentions. So how do you know whether your church is focused on insiders?” Well for a start, read Carey Nieuwhof’s “5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Congregation Is Insider-Focused.”

5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Congregation Is Insider-Focused Read More »