Church Health

The vision of the Free Methodist Church is to see a healthy church within the reach of every Canadian and beyond. Here are some of the ways that we are currently working to make that happen.


We Need Some Good News

I could use some good news.  I think we all could. The problem is that it gets tough to find.  Bad news is easy to find, and I get it.  I am as guilty as the next person.  Bad news gets clicks.  It’s what drives conversation.  It’s what stirs things […]

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Where Do We Go For Help?

There are lots of words that have “baggage” attached to them.  There are words that we have complicated relationships with.  There are even words we try to avoid using or applying to ourselves.  “Help” is one of those words.  For some reason, we tend to resist admitting we need help,

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An Overdue Thank You!

The following needs to be said. It is long overdue, and I apologize for that. Thank you pastors.   This has been a long weird season, and you have had to servant lead through it even though there really wasn’t a “Get Through the Pandemic” class.  It has felt like a

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My Church…

The church I grew up in is turning 100 years old. I have been seeing letters and Facebook posts, pictures, and videos celebrating this milestone, and it’s been nice because I liked my church when I was growing up. It was a good place. I have been thinking about the

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Demonstrating Grace

I am listening to a podcast from Christianity Today called The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. This blog isn’t about promoting the podcast but sharing a quote from it that has rattled around in my brain for a couple of days. Paul David Tripp  is an author, counsellor, and

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There are Still Good Stories

For the most of my adult life I have lived at least two provinces away from my folks, so, like any good son, I check in with them at least every couple of weeks. Back in olden times, those check-ins were full conversations with lots of stories and catching up,

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