The first of two Help Haiti Heal teams of Canadian Free Methodists is now on site in Haiti, until October 8. The second team is primed to depart.
[first Canadian team before their departure from Canada this week. Team members (not in order) include Pastor Jeff Nault (coordinator), Frank Domen (worksite leader), Aubrey Ball, William Lodge, George Derue, Sharlyna Brown, Alycia Brown, Amy Dagenais, Roman Kowalewski, Sheldon Pilatzke, Kevin Ingleby, Lucas Carson, and Rosemar Skuce.]
The first team of 13 persons (nine men and 4 women) has been organized by the FMC in Verona, ON, in collaboration with Grant Sigsworth, Coordinator of Help Haiti Heal (Canada). The team includes several persons from the FMC in Smiths Falls, ON.
The team’s project is very exciting: start the construction of a school in the rural community of Guerin, SW of the capital Port au Prince and near the epicentre of the earthquake of January 12. The team is commuting daily to Guerin from their lodgings in the city by riding on the back of the FM mission’s truck, then at the worksite they will be working with Haitians from the local church and community. What a marvellous opportunity to get to see the country and interact with our brothers and sisters in the Haiti FMC!
[interior of the FMC in Guerin]
The FM school in Guerin was completely destroyed by the earthquake. The school had consisted of three classrooms across the back of the church property and some classrooms built into one wall of the church on one side. Reconstruction will start by building a roof alongside the church, then successive work teams can build partitions that will separate the classrooms. For the three classrooms in the back of the property, the concrete pad remains as does some of the back wall of the former school. These remnants are re-usable with a bit of work and will reduce the typical cost of about $5000 per room to build from scratch.
For each authorized team from Canada, the Canadian Bishop’s Relief Fund is contributing US$5000 for construction expenses, which at Guerin will enable good progress by the Verona team toward the 3 initial classrooms.
The second team will be composed of 10 persons drawn from five FM churches, for the dates of October 14-24. This team also will be working at Guerin and possibly some days at nearby Morne a Bateau where the Canadian Bishop’s Relief Fund is providing funds to purchase an existing building for refurbishing as a school, to replace the FM school destroyed by the quake. Team members include: Keith Payler [team leader] and Terry Monette (Almonte), Pastor David Dyer, Charlotte Dyer and Bill Wales (Napanee), Pastor Glen Coates and Malcolm McFarlane (Odessa), Mark Pedlar (Pine Grove), Burt McDonnell and Grant Sigsworth (Whitby).
We look forward to the 3rd team now being organized by the Belleville Centennial FMC in Ontario, for April 1-12.
How can you help?
- Pray for the Lord’s blessing and protection on the Canadian teams as they travel and work. Attached is a suggested list of prayer focuses, one for each day of the week. Let Grant know that you are praying, via an email – click here to email
- Help replenish the Bishop’s Relief Fund, to enable future investments in the recovery of the Haiti FMC’s churches and schools. Contributions may be made to Free Methodist Church in Canada, designating “Bishop’s Relief Fund: Haiti” on the memo line.
- Plan to organize a work team from your church and neighbouring congregations in 2011, or express interest in joining another team being organized. For fuller information, contact:
Grant Sigsworth
Coordinator, Help Haiti Heal (Canada)
for the Free Methodist Church in Canada
Address: 37 Teresa Drive – Whitby, ON L1N 6H9 | tel: 905-666-0029 | click here to email