Faith Path

Nunc facilisis diam velit, non facilisis justo lobortis ac. Etiam ante tortor, consequat vel felis id, blandit finibus magna. Curabitur vel urna id tortor ullamcorper molestie. Donec accumsan, sapien nec consectetur varius, nisl nibh maximus diam, non vulputate diam dolor at nunc. Suspendisse pulvinar, ante a tempor volutpat, ligula tellus pharetra libero, ac porttitor tortor

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June 29, 2018

Heavenly Father, What manner of praise could we offer, for the good things you’ve given us? In moments of mystery or on mountain tops, your love sustains us. How beautiful the promises you have for us as your children. One of your promises is that you’ll hear us when we call, that your ear turns

June 29, 2018 Read More »

L’Église Méthodiste Libre d’Harrowsmith intensifie le combat contre le traffic des êtres humains

  Clara Snook et le Pasteur Carl Bull ont présenté un chèque à Doug van der Horden d’un montant de  $6,000 qui fournira des sacs de Premiers Secours  aux victimes du traffic d’être humain dans la région. Doug van der Horden a lutté contre le traffic d’être humain depuis de nombreuses années. Il a une

L’Église Méthodiste Libre d’Harrowsmith intensifie le combat contre le traffic des êtres humains Read More »

Everyone Benefits from Internships

When asked by a Board Member how the local church would benefit from an internship, I responded that there would be few tangible benefits.  Our job was to prepare a young pastor to take on ministry at another Free Methodist Church where other believers and seeking communities would benefit from the experience; kingdom investment.  The

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