Lisa Howden

Did Jesus spend time with the poor?

This question was asked by Shane Clairborne in the book, ‘The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical.’ In the survey, 80 percent said yes. ‘Of course Jesus spent time with the poor!’ However, it was the next question that really got my attention. ‘Do you spend time with the […]

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Check-up Time

As some of you are aware, every week on the FMCIC website and Facebook page we post a link to what we hope is a helpful article.  We do it to celebrate Church Health Thursdays – a day that I totally made up but that works.  If you haven’t checked

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Puzzle Pieces

While at General Conference I had the opportunity to catch up with Darryl Dozlaw and if you watch this handy video blog you too will be caught up on Darryl and Vonda’s church planting journey.

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Why a responsive website

            Hello there friends, Our website has recently undergone a full renovation. We are now using a responsive web design . . . one website “view-able” on many devices. One of the most appealing aspects of responsive web design is that a responsive website can provide

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