40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for the Effects of the Pandemic and for the FMCiC

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for the Effects of the Pandemic, for the Renewal of the Free Methodist Church in Canada and for the Revival of our Nation


“For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you. All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones stood there before the LORD” (2 Chronicles 20:12b, 13)

Dear Pastors and Prayer Point People:

As you know, we had called together the entire family of the FMCiC to come together and pray for 40 days, as it so happens, on Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020. We are now facing a pandemic and feel the call to pray is even more important than ever before. 

The current crisis highlights our total physical and spiritual need for God. Because we believe that together is better, we are encouraging the approximately 150 FM churches across Canada to join together to call upon Him to show mercy to the world and reveal Himself as its healer, provider and Saviour. 

The links below are some ways to assist you during this time of prayer, but I’m sure there are many other creative and Spirit-lead ways some of you are planning as you step up your intercession at this time. We would love to hear from you about what prayer initiatives you are taking and any answers to prayer you are seeing that could encourage and challenge the rest of us during this season.

24/7 Prayer Rotation Calendar – here is the link that will take you to a spreadsheet where you can indicate which 24 hour period you will take (sundown to sundown). If you have not signed up you can anytime during these 40 days. You can also share this spreadsheet with your church and individuals can pick a half-hour time slot (or more), beside your church’s name, and put their name or initials in it to indicate it is covered. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ydJRgo4Lv6BM85SufZsXlhVOnStPghmtQyOHFT2HcUU/edit?usp=sharing

7 Devotionals Weekly – written on this theme by people from the FMCIC. We hope you will find a way to make these available to your church. We will be posting them on our the FMCIC website.

24/7 Virtual Prayer Room Resource – here is a link to some resources that you may find helpful to plan out your 24 hour prayer time https://www.24-7prayer.com/roomresources/.

Fasting Suggestions – while not everyone may choose to fast, for those who do, here is a link to a very good article entitled, “Fasting for Beginners” https://www.cru.org/us/en/train-and-grow/spiritual-growth/fasting/how-to-do-a-biblical-fast.html