It’s that time of year when many of us start thinking about what’s next. We review where we are and consider where we want to be. Then we plan out the changes we need to make in order to get there. We call them New Year’s Resolutions.
As we make our resolutions, plan our changes, think about what’s next or whatever we call it, I’ve got a few questions you should ask yourself. You and I are the church, so if we get healthier then the church gets healthier. See what I did there? I made it all church healthy!
- How will we engage and wrestle with with scripture this year?
- How will we apply it to our lives?
- How will we be accountable for living out what it says as we live, love and serve?
One another
- How are our lives going to reflect a God honoring commitment to being a part of His church and His family?
- How will we make sure we are able to gather regularly with God’s people to worship?
- How will we serve one another?
- Who will we build deeper relationships with so that God can speak to us through His sons and daughters?
The other
- How will my life be Good News to those around me?
- What does it look like to love my neighbor?
- How am I going to regularly love and serve the least of these?
- And how will we answer these questions so that the answers are a regular part of our life rhythm and not just one offs or special occasion things?
- How will we have meaningful engagement with our family – spouses, children, siblings, parents?
- What does ministry with my family look like?
- What does ministry to my family look like?
- How will I live so that those closest to me know that they are loved and cherished by me and by God?
- How will I work, play and rest so that I am available to be used by God as He leads?
- How will I incorporate Sabbath and the means of Grace into my life rhythm so that I am renewed and refreshed by my Creator?
If we answer these questions well and live out our resolutions our churches, neighborhoods, families, workplaces, schools, communities and inner worlds will be better places so give them prayerful consideration. Let’s see what God wants to do this year.
Happy New Year.
Marc McAlister
Director of Church Health, FMCIC