the free methodist church in canada

Prayer Point Person

If you would like to be the Prayer Point Person for your local church, please speak with your pastor and have them contact Ken Roth, the Prayer Team Coordinator.

The job description of the Prayer Point Person

  1. Become catalysts for prayer in your local church. We will be seeking to fan your heart for prayer by giving
    guidance and encouragement on how you can fan the flame of prayer in your church.
  2. Be people that we can send FMCIC‐related prayer requests and answers to prayer to, that you in turn can
    share with your church.
  3. Attend Regional Gatherings, to learn more about how to pray for the FMCIC and how to call your church
    to prayer about these things and about the needs you see in your church and community.
  4. Become familiar with and make use of our prayer app and other resources we develop for prayer.
  5. Attend and become promotors of any prayer conferences, retreats that we sponsor.
  6. Work with your pastor to find ways to lead your church into becoming devoted to prayer, just as the early
    church was.
  7. Share with the rest of FMCIC creative things you are doing to promote prayer, miracles that you are experiencing,
    questions and other suggestions. The National Prayer Team will create ways for us to do this kind of