March 2023 Update

Monthly National Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, March 29, 2023

1. Regional Gatherings
2. Hiring of Church Health and Church Planting Director
3. Pastors for the 24 churches presently in the process of searching for one.
4. Our churches in Quebec will be renewed and encouraged.
5. The spirit of supplication and intercession will continue to grow among us.
6. We will learn to pray together intergenerationally.
7. Our Good Friday and Easter celebrations will be full of the presence of the Lord.
8. The clear leading of the Holy Spirit for the BOA as they meet April 21 & 22.

Prayer for Revival Focus on Intergen Ministries: Thursday, March 30th at noon (EDT):
Once a month we will focus the noon hour prayers for revival on the needs of parents and children’s ministry leaders in our denomination. This will likely be the last Thursday of the month. We encourage parents, pastors, and kid’s ministry leaders to join us anytime, but especially on those days!

Lord’s Prayer Project:
Intergenerational Task Force Initiative is partnering with the National Prayer Team to create a video of children reciting the Lord’s Prayer. We’re excited for the submissions that have already been received and look forward to the more that will come and the final project. Please forward recordings to Starla Klinger at [email protected]

Kid’s Ministry Connect Zoom Meet: Thursday, March 30th at 8 pm
All interested kid’s leaders, engaged parents, etc. are welcome to join the Intergen Task Force for a time of mutual encouragement and learning, particularly regards to engaging kids in prayer. The Zoom link is in this month’s House of Prayer Update. Please contact your pastor if you wish to participate.

Revival Born in a Prayer Meeting:
Here is a link to a very encouraging account of how the Third Great Awakening came about. It also refers to a Canadian connection in Hamilton.