the free methodist church in canada
Do you have a question about The Free Methodist Church in Canada? Take a look and see if we have answered it below . . . if not, please email your question to Lisa Howden and it will be answered as soon as possible! Click on your question to see the answer.
A healthy Church does whatever it takes to continually place the gospel (mission) within reach of those around them resulting in a worshipping community (transformation) of Jesus-followers (discipleship) who do whatever it takes to continually place the gospel (mission) within reach of those around them resulting in a worshipping community (transformation) of Jesus-followers (discipleship)
For more information on Church Health click here or contact Marc McAlister, Director of Church Health
When we understand God’s role – God created everything, God owns everything, and God is our provider – and our role is simply to be a faithful steward, every aspect of our lives will be impacted. It will impact our work, our leisure time, how and where we use our talents, our family, our friends, our possessions and our generosity.
For more information on Stewardship click here or contact Sandy Crozier, Stewardship Development Director
We have over 142 congregations across Canada. We need competent, spirit-led leaders to accomplish what God is calling us to do in his Kingdom. Get involved with one of our congregations as a first step. We build our leadership team through the local church. As you build a relationship with the pastor and local leaders you should consider becoming a member. This gives a clear sense of connection to our movement. During this time you should also discover your S.H.A.P.E. if you have not already done so. Click here to learn more about the tracking process.
The Listserv is an internal communications tool used by FMCiC for Pastors, Delegates, and Lay people to communicate with each other and the Ministry Centre.
No. While we invite communication among the church this is a confidential forum where Pastors have the opportunity to discuss sensitive topics with each other and Bishop Keith.
All requests for applications for marriage licenses (permanent or temporary) must be sent to Susan DePlanché, Credentialing Coordinator in the Leadership Development Office.
Scholarships may be awarded by the Leadership Development Office to candidates for ministry pursuing educational opportunities not at a bible college or seminary, in consultation with the official board of the local church and the LSP Committee. The amounts will be equal to the college or university grants, depending on the school to which the student applies. For more information click here or contact Susan Deplanche.
Pastoral Evaluation is both difficult and necessary. The Free Methodist Church in Canada wants to see pastoral evaluation as a dialogue between the local church and the pastor to increase the effectiveness of ministry to extend the kingdom and to make it a satisfying place to work. We have found that neither generic job descriptions nor the pastoral vote accomplish this. For more information click here or contact Susan DePlanché, Credentialing Coordinator.
Foundational courses are required for those who are tracking for credentialled ministry in The Free Methodist Church in Canada or those seeking to transfer their ordination credentials into The FMCiC.(Local FM churches host these foundational courses. The locations will be selected based on where the majority of the participants reside – so please register early!). For more information please click here or contact Susan DePlanche, Credentialing Coordinator.
CEUs are required for members of conference to maintain their ordination or commissioning (optional for retirees and located ministers). CEUs are documented events that are submitted to the Leadership Development office for tracking. Fore more information click here or contact Susan DePlanche, Credentialing Coordinator.
To find out where you are in the tracking process please contact Susan DePlanche, Credentialing Coordinator. If you are looking for information regarding the tracking process click here.
A sabbatical is one of the many tools in the ‘toolbox’ that we can use to maintain and improve pastoral health. A sabbatical operates from the perspective of “from health, for health.” For more information on sabbaticals click here or contact Marc McAlister, Director of Leadership Development.
Position Papers are Free Methodists follow Wesley’s example in exploring issues that are being discussed in church and secular cultures. Fore more information on Position Papers that are available click here
To find out more information on developing a Plan to Protect policy in your local church please click here
To Find out more information of the differences between Methodists and Free Methodists please click here
Canadian cross-cultural workers with long-term job descriptions. These workers are supported by local churches across Canada. For list of the current missionaries click here
Click here for Missions Team Booklet
The Journey Discipleship Survey has been developed as a response to leaders within our movement asking for a tool to help discern discipleship strengths and weaknesses within a local congregation. This information then allows congregational leadership to develop and adjust their discipleship emphases in a manner that matches needs within their congregation. Click here for more information
We actively encourage local churches to be involved in short Mission Team opportunities in partnership with Free Methodist churches around the world. The Free Methodist Church is present in more than 80 countries, on almost every continent, so there is a very good chance we can find a way to connect you with a ministry in our own international FM family. For more information click here or contact Rev. Dan Sheffield, Director, Global and Intercultural Ministries
The Free Methodist Church in Canada is lead by the National Leadership Team (NLT) composed of Bishop Keith Elford; Kim Henderson, Director of Personnel; Marc McAlister, Director of Church Health; Mark Molczanski, Director of Administrative Services; Dan Sheffield, Director of Intercultural and Global Ministries and Jared Siebert, Director of Church Planting.
The NLT is assisted by the Ministry Centre Staff working at the FMCiC Head Office in Mississauga the NLT exists to support Free Methodist churches across Canada in meaningful ways to fulfill the FMCiC Vision. The development of Resources is one of the primary ways the NLT continues the work of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement.
Through the committees such as The Study Commission of Doctrine, MEGaP and the Network Leaders the FMCiC builds and refines the church leadership and doctrines to stay inline with the word of God while embracing our changing society. If you have a question not listed below please Contact Us and we'd be happy to help.