So you’re the Pastor’s Spouse?

This will look at the joys and sorrows of being a pastor’s wife. It will also look at what are some tools to help you survive – but not only survive but hopefully enjoy it. It is not an easy role to be in but it is one that God has called us to.

Location and Time

Room: FORUM 2
Time: Saturday, April 27 at 1:30 TO 2:10 PM


Gloria Johnston MTS
Gloria Johnston is the Administrative Assistant for Small Church Connections.
She is also a part-time pastor for the past year of a small church.
She has been a Pastor’s wife for over 30 years. She has gone through the joys and hardships and sorrows of raising a family in the midst of supporting her husband as he has pastored. She has also worked in order to supplement her husband’s salary. She has studied and received her Master of Theological Studies from Tyndale Seminary as a mature student. She enjoys reading, especially mystery books, gardening, planning services and playing the piano. She is the mother of three wonderful children and seven delightful grandchildren.
