A Pathway for Deeper Relational and Missional health: Global patterns and perspectives

In the 3rd part of our series of workshops, we will focus on the “ends of the earth” and how local churches can build global partnerships. Does your church ask questions like:

Why is it important to focus on the ends of the earth?  How can we make a significant contribution with our FM brothers and sisters?  But we are a small church and don’t have much to give globally – how can we participate?    

We will answer these questions and more!  Our goal is to interact with different cultures collaboratively, respectfully and lovingly as Christ’s modeled.  Come and learn as we hear from other pastors who have healthy partnerships.           

Location and Time

Room: FORUM 3
Time: Saturday, April 27 at 2:25 pm2

Exhibit Booth #22

Director of Child Care Ministries

