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The formation of a core of believers is the first level for forming a national presence for the Free Methodist Church.  It usually involves researching options as to where and how to begin. This initial phase of the development of a national presence involves the following activities:

  1. Organization
    a.  Membership instruction
    b.  Training of ministerial personnel – 3 courses
    • Introduction to Free Methodism
    • Introduction to Christian Doctrine
    • Inductive Bible Study Class

c.  Reception of members
d.  Designation by missionary of pastor/leader for the country

  1. Development
    a.  Formation of a lightly structured Administrative Committee
    b.  Development of a financial structure, budget (national and external support)
    c.  Initial steps toward a constitution, legal status and being incorporated
    d. Discipleship and leadership training of laity and ministerial candidates
    e.  Strategic Plan for expansion developed for:
    • Church growth leading to organized local churches (12 adult members minimum)
    • Church planting/expansion