Safe Mission Trips: Are you good to go?

This seminar provides an insurance, legal liability, and risk management overview of the risks associated with sponsoring short-term mission trips and/or full-time missionaries  outside of Canada.  Included will be a discussion of Security, Health and Medical, and Injury and Liability risks, including  practical tips for keeping your staff and volunteers safe, and your organization and directors out of court. 

British Columbia Room
Saturday, April 27, 2024
1:30 to 2:10 pm


Mr. Ken Hall
Kenneth Hall is president of Roberton Hall Insurance Inc.  Over the past 35 years, Ken has pioneered comprehensive and affordable insurance programs for church and Christian charitable organizations across Canada, with over 7,500 client organizations currently insured across Canada.   With over 14,000 insurance claims paid over the past three decades, he has unparalleled experience and expertise in identifying, reducing, eliminating and insurance risk through effective insurance protection and solutions for Christian charities and their leaders. Through conference speaking engagements, seminars, workshops, webinars and publications such as his Facing The Risk newsletters, The Advantage Church and Charity risk management articles, and One-Minute Insuranee Manager series, his commitment is to educate, equip and assist board members and ministry leaders in better understanding the unique risks associated with Christian ministries in the 21st century and to provide practical advice in avoiding preventable claims, accidents, injuries and lawsuits


431 Richmond Street, Suite 300,
London ON N6A 6E2
PHONE: 519-680-3111
EMAIL: [email protected]