Over the years I have often wondered what the Lord would say to the local churches I have served and the FMCIC if He sent an angel to give us His assessment of where we are spiritually like He did to the 7 churches in Asia Minor. As we convene another General Conference it is a good time for us to seek the Lord to discern where we are at as a movement. For the past number of years, I have been pondering what He said to the Church of Sardis and have been asking Him whether it applies to us, and perhaps the evangelical church in North America in general.
What He revealed to them was that while they had a reputation of being alive – faithful to the Lord, Spirit-filled, holy – they in fact were dead. Ouch! I think that we must always be earnestly seeking God to see if we are slipping into being a dead church too. One of the things that amazes me about the messages to these 7 churches, is that they were part of the early church that had been established by the apostles themselves and had seen God do some amazing things among them, and yet, only 2 of the 7 received all A’s in their report cards. I think that we would do well to take to heart Jesus’ exhortation to this church which was: “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent.”
Jesus was warning the church then and now that partial obedience, incomplete deeds, are deadly, just as water is that has only 2% of it polluted with sewage. As Methodists, may we, “Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it.” (Re.3:3). As we gather for General Conference in June, let us ask the One “who has the sevenfold spirit of God” (Re.3:1) to fill us as we embrace being holy as He is holy.
Changes to the National Prayer Team:
As we enter another General Conference cycle, ther are some changes on our National Prayer Team. Pastor Cathleen Getchel and Elle Pike are stepping down at this time and I want to thank them for their contribution to helping our family of churches develop into becoming a house of prayer. We also want to welcome Pastors Bernie McGale and Linda Dixon onto the team.
General Conference Prayer Devotionals and Prayer Workshop Video:
If you go to the Agenda for General Conference you will find 28 day’s-worth of devotionals to inspire prayer for our movement. On the GC Whova online platform you will find a workshop video of a discussion between Bishop Cliff, Sarah Jackson (former Prayer Coordinator at Chapel Ridge FMC and now prayer missionary with Love Ottawa) and myself about how pastors and Prayer Point People/Coordinators can help grow the prayer life of their local church.