the free methodist church in canada

Asset Mapping Image

Asset Mapping is a one hour to half day guided conversation that can best be described as a way of brainstorming real actions (the things we can do by putting existing assets together in new ways) and empowering people to do what their hearts tell them to do.  Through Asset Mapping people learn to:

  • Recognize and appreciate their own individual gifts, strengths and assets (instead of focusing on needs and deficiencies)
  • Look for ways to connect their gifts and assets with others in order to meet needs and take action.
  • Formulate an action plan by “voting with your feet”.

Asset mapping can work with big or small groups and can help churches find a way past shrinking budgets and limited resources and volunteers.  It demonstrates that when we work together, stewarding all our gifts, God meets us there. We are able to do more together than we can do apart.

For more information on the Asset Mapping process, please contact Marc McAlister or Sandy Crozier.

DOWNLOAD The Quick and Simple Congregational Asset Mapping Guide (PDF)